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Ihre Suchkriterien: Datenbank Notenblätter/Partituren, Mitwirkende "Gibbons, Orlando", Suchart alle Wörter vorhanden

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Titel Komponist / Autor Arrangeur / Herausgeber SWG Dauer Artikel-Nr.
2 Fantasies 3Str, PrtStm Gibbons, Orlando Wienandt, Elwyn 3 3177388
20 Keyboard Pieces and 1 by Orlando Gibbons from the Purcell manuscript in The British Library Cemb/Klav, Bk; CD Purcell, Henry; u.a. CD 9992262
20 Keyboard Pieces and 1 by Orlando Gibbons from the Purcell manuskript in The British Library Cemb/Klav Purcell, Henry; u.a. 9992588
20 Keyboard Pieces and one by Orlando Gibbons Pno, Bk Purcell, Henry; u.a. Moroney, Davitt (Hrsg.) Bild 3169709
3 English Madrigals 5Brass  vergriffen  Wilbye, John; u.a. Bell, Colin 2 5:00 9695040
8 Pieces from Musica Britannica Pno Gibbons, Orlando 30586987,67
9 Fantasies of 3 parts Pno Gibbons, Orlando Kelly, Vince MusterpartiturBild 4035694
9 Organ Pieces Org Gibbons, Orlando 30586977,67
Almighty and everlasting God CoroSATB, Prt Gibbons, Orlando 32157181,80
Amen CoroSAATB; [Org], Prt Gibbons, Orlando Kreuels, Matthias 2 32135781,10
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