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Rising Stars - klicken für größeres Bild
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Titel Rising Stars
Artikel-Nr. 4083384
Kategorie Ensembles
Unterkategorie Combo
Besetzung Combo
Format/Umfang Git (Gitarre)
Erscheinungsland USA (us)
Verlag * Felder mit einem Sternchen (*) sind nur für Vereinsmitglieder nach Anmeldung ersichtlichhier klicken
Verlags-Artikelnr. * Felder mit einem Sternchen (*) sind nur für Vereinsmitglieder nach Anmeldung ersichtlichhier klicken
Erscheinungsjahr 2012
Komponist Stanton, Scott
Zusatzinfo/Inhalt The perfect addition to any guitar class or ensemble with players of varying abilities. Features ten delightful arrangements with a part playable by everyone from a near beginner to more advanced players in styles including rock, folk, latin, and three well known Christmas favorites. Includes regular music notation as well as melody guitar TAB and chord symbols. Arrangements easily repeated for solos by all your budding guitar stars. Add the optional keyboard accompaniment book and the optional bass guitar/percussion book and you’ve got a the makings of a great little guitar band. Free full MP3 downloads of recordings of all arrangements are included.

Bass guitar parts written in both bass clef and TAB notation for the budding bass player. Percussion book that is mostly for drum set and is playable by younger players. While this book is optional, it will certainly add greatly to the performances of the Rising Star Guitar ensembles and allow you to involve more students at the same time.

Simple keyboard accompaniments to all ten of the arrangement in this unique new guitar ensemble series. This book is optional to the guitar book but certainly will enhance the performances by adding another sound dimension to the arrangements and by providing a solid confident accompaniment for the guitar players. Playable by students as well as teachers.

Includes songs that can be played during first year of instruction:
Nr. Einzeltitel Tonbeispiel
1 Rising Stars - rock style, Key of A (Page 4) hier klicken
2 Amazing Grace - country waltz ballad style, Key of A (Page 6) hier klicken
3 Beethoven's Beat - rock style, Key of C (Page 8) hier klicken
4 Jingle Bells - rock style, Key of G (Page 10) hier klicken
5 Old Joe Clark - blue grass style, Key of G (Page 12) hier klicken
6 This Little Light of Mine - rock style, Key of G (Page 14) hier klicken
7 Up on the Housetop - shuffle or rock style, Key of D (Page 16) hier klicken
8 Fire on the Shoreline - rock style (power chords), Key of C (Page 18) hier klicken
9 Silent Night - ballad (finger picking style), Key of D (Page 20) hier klicken
10 Wade in the Water - Latin-Rock style, Key of Em (Page 22) hier klicken
Musterpartitur * MusterpartiturFelder mit einem Sternchen (*) sind nur für Vereinsmitglieder nach Anmeldung ersichtlichhier klicken
Im Musicainfo Radio anhören * Musicainfo RadioFelder mit einem Sternchen (*) sind nur für Vereinsmitglieder nach Anmeldung ersichtlichhier klicken
Lieferbar ja ja
Format/Umfang EUR
Rising Stars - hier klicken Rising Stars (Combo), Gitarre
Rising Stars - hier klicken Rising Stars (Combo), E-Bassgitarre; Schlaginstrument
Rising Stars - hier klicken Rising Stars (Combo), Keyboard

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